Updates for 31-03-2021

Updates for 31-03-2021


  • AMP Stories updated to version 1.4.10
  • Give – Annual Receipts updated to version 1.1.0
  • Give – Fee Recovery updated to version 1.9.0
  • Give – Gift Aid updated to version 1.4.0
  • Give – Google Analytics Donation Tracking updated to version 1.2.5
  • Give – Tributes updated to version 1.5.8
  • Give Add-On Constant Contact updated to version 1.2.5
  • Give Add-On Form Field Manager updated to version 1.6.0
  • Give Add-On Recurring Donations updated to version 1.12.0
  • Give Gocardless Gateway updated to version 1.3.6
  • Give Moneris Gateway updated to version 1.1.0
  • Give Paymill Gateway updated to version 1.1.1
  • Give Razorpay Gateway updated to version 1.4.5
  • Give Square Gateway updated to version 1.1.1
  • Ninja Popups For WordPress updated to version 4.7.5
  • The Team Pro – Team Showcase WordPress Plugin updated to version 1.9.2
  • Thrive Themes Apprentice updated to version
  • Thrive Themes Clever Widgets updated to version 1.57.1
  • Thrive Themes Quiz Builder updated to version
  • YITH WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts Premium updated to version 2.1.4
  • YITH WooCommerce Custom Order Status Premium updated to version 1.2.9
  • YITH WooCommerce Delivery Date Premium updated to version 2.1.27
  • Give Donation Upsells for Woocommerce updated to version 1.1.6
  • Give – Gift Aid updated to version 1.2.6
  • Give Add-On Mailchimp updated to version 1.4.6
  • Give PayFast Gateway updated to version 1.0.2
  • Beaver Builder CSS Grid updated to version 1.0
  • Give – ActiveCampaign updated to version 1.0.1
  • Give – Funds and Designations updated to version 1.0.2
  • Give – Paytm Gateway updated to version 1.1.0


GPL Cellar Plugin version 3.2.4

Attention: When updating the GPL Cellar plugin to version 3.2.4 or later, this will require you to reactivate your GPL Cellar plugin’s license. 3.2.4 has

New Version: GPL Cellar Plugin 2.3.0

Announcing version 2.3.0 of our plugin. This version is a step closer to making performance improvements for both the plugin on your server and the

Server Upgraded: January 25, 2021

I had to perform an emergency upgrade on the gplcellar.com server today. The last couple of days the web server was getting slowed down by

New Promotions

We are pleased to announce a brand new page called Promotions, where we will list all of the promotions and coupon codes available. These promotions

Catalog Updates