Theia Sticky Sidebar for WordPress

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Greatly increase your sidebars’ visibility and engagement with Theia Sticky Sidebar for WordPress. Our plugin uses your existing sidebars and makes them sticky and permanently visible, regardless of their position or how much the user has scrolled down. Here are just a few examples where Theia Sticky Sidebar can help you:

  • Include primary call-to-actions in your sticky sidebars like “Subscribe to our Newsletter”, “Buy Now”, or “Add to Cart”.
  • Greatly increase chances for ad clicks.
  • Have sticky side-menus so that navigation is always one click away.

It’s compatible with virtually any WordPress theme, and works out-of-the-box for most of them. For the rest, there’s a user-friendly admin page where you can tweak it to perfectly fit your theme. Note that our plugin uses your theme’s existing sidebars.


  • Works flawlessly even with sidebars taller than the screen.
  • Multiple behaviors: modernstick to top, and stick to bottom.
  • Makes your sidebars permanently visible.
  • No more empty white-scroll on scroll.
  • Compatible with virtually any WordPress theme.
  • Works with responsive themes.
  • Works with your existing sidebars and widgets.
  • Degrades gracefully for visitors without JavaScript.
  • Receive support and free upgrades.


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