Awesome Support – Custom Fields

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The Custom Fields add-on for Awesome Support enable regular users to easily add new fields to the ticket form. The regular ticket form contains the minimum number of fields required to open a support ticket which allows users to quickly complete the ticket without a lot of friction.

But there are instances where collecting additional information from the end user is useful. The custom fields add-on provides a simple but powerful interface that you can use to add new fields to the default ticket form.

All Common Field Types Supported

You can easily add any combination of the following fields:

  • Text
  • Email
  • Number
  • Password
  • Select
  • Checkbox
  • Radio Button
  • Text Area
  • Text Editor (WYSIWYG)
  • Taxonomy (Lists)
  • Uploads (File Attachments)

Common Restrictions For Each Field

For each field you can designate whether or not to:

  • Make it a required field
  • Show it in the master administrative ticket list
  • Use it for sorting
  • Use it for filtering (if a taxonomy field)
  • Log changes to the field in the ticket (creating an audit trail)

Other Features

For each field you can:

  • Set a numeric sort order to control the order in which the field appears to the end user while they’re creating a ticket
  • Temporarily choose to turn off a field without deleting it (hide)
  • For certain fields you can specify regular expressions to restrict and control the type of input, control which users can edit the field (using WordPress “capabilities” features) and provide a default value.
  • Apply a custom CSS class (useful if you have a CSS library such as Bootstrap loaded on your site)
  • Control whether fields show up on the front-end list or just the ticket form
  • Control whether fields show up in the back-end list or just the ticket form
  • Create as many fields as you like:


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