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GPL Cellar Plugin version 3.2.4

Attention: When updating the GPL Cellar plugin to version 3.2.4 or later, this will require you to reactivate your GPL Cellar plugin’s license.

3.2.4 has changes in place to how the activation process works under the hood. The plugin will now preserve your product id and license key when you deactivate the GPL Cellar, and will only be wiped out when you uninstall our plugin, but why would you ever want to uninstall it?

License checks are now performed during the request to Download or Install from our catalog instead of being performed in the background when the plugin runs. You should also receive better error notifications instructing you to take action should there be an issue with your license and hopefully save you from having to submit a support ticket.

Need Help Updating to Version 3.2.4? Try these steps…

  • Deactivate GPL Cellar plugin before updating.
  • After updating to version 3.2.4 try re-activating your GPL Cellar license. Read how to activate.
  • Still stuck and can’t reactivate? Login to your and check if the license is already activated and deactivate it. Read how to deactivate.

If you need additional help, send me an email!

Hopefully, all of these changes will be for the better!

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New Version: GPL Cellar Plugin 2.3.0

Announcing version 2.3.0 of our plugin. This version is a step closer to making performance improvements for both the plugin on your server and the requests received on our server.

Besides the usual bug fixes this release contains the following changes:

  • Default the catalog listings to display by Last Updated instead of item name
  • Added highlighting to the selected sort
  • Cache the categories drop down box
  • Added PeepSo category
  • Reduced the number of license key checks the plugin uses
  • Changed the Download option to download from our CDN
  • Changed the product catalog update to download from our CDN
  • Changed API endpoints to use less server resources

The end result of this is you should see a speed improvement when using the plugin.

You are highly encouraged to update to this version ASAP because in a few months all versions <2.3.0 will fail to work.

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Server Upgraded: January 25, 2021

I had to perform an emergency upgrade on the server today. The last couple of days the web server was getting slowed down by increases in user usage so you might have been experiencing timeouts or issues using the plugin during this time. I increased the server’s resources and will monitor the situation to see if there are any processes that can be improved on.

I apologize for any issues you might have encountered during this time.

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New Promotions

We are pleased to announce a brand new page called Promotions, where we will list all of the promotions and coupon codes available. These promotions can apply to new customers and current customers and can vary from giveaways, raffles, refer a friend, discount coupons, and much more.

The goal of this dedicated page is to attract new customers and help spread the word about our amazing plugin while providing great value in return to our users.

View our Promotions page.

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Server Updates: 1/21-1/29

The time has come to make some server side improvements to website. Due to our user growth and the increase in items added to the catalog the current web server is reaching its limits. Over the course of the next two weeks I will be making some changes to the server and implementing some caching to help squeeze some performance out of the current server. None of these changes require any downtime but, should things go drastically wrong a server reboot might be unexpectedly required.

Until these updates are made I am going to pause adding new items to the catalog and only continue with item updates for the interim.

Should you experience any issues on both our website and using our plugin you can contact support.

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New Version: GPL Cellar Plugin 2.2.0

January 18, 2021.

We just released a new version 2.2.0 of our plugin for you to download. While there are no visual changes you will notice about this release, this release does change the way the plugin interacts with our servers for downloading and requesting items.

This release sets us up for an upcoming release that has some minor changes coming soon!

If you experience any issues please contact support.