Ultimate Form Builder is a PREMIUM WordPress Plugin which allows you to create unlimited responsive forms (single step or multi-steps). Anytype of forms (Contact us, Opt-in, Call-to-Action, Survey, Quotation, Enquiry or anything) can be built using drag and drop form builder.
Using this plugin is super easy and fun because – you can create, customize and build beautiful forms, apply existing form templates for design and use them right onto your WP site in no time. You can receive form submission data via email and store them in the database which can be exported to CSV for your use via plugin’s backend.
All forms built via this plugins will be super secure by using various captcha options.
You can choose the layout of the form from 10 beautiful pre-designed form templates or choose a default one.You can also preview the form before using it in the site.
Multi Steps Forms
All HTML Fields Available
Single Line Text
Multiple Line Text
Radio Button
Select Option
Email Address
Hidden Fields
Password Fields
Number Fields
UI Elements
Datepicker daterange
Dropdown date and time
Dropdown date and time range
UI Slider
UI Range Slider
File Uploader
Custom Texts
Agreement Block
URL field
Survey Elements
Star Ratings
Like Dislike Thumb
Choice Matrix